Serving Orford, Wentworth, Lyme, Dorchester, Groton, Plymouth, Groton, Canaan, Hanover, Lebanon and Enfield
District 05 - Senator Suzanne Prentiss
Legislative Office Building
Room 102
33 North State Street Concord NH 03301
Phone: 603.271.3092
Senator Prentiss Biography
Staff: Jessica Bourque
District 02 serving
Grafton, Orange, Alexandria, Bristol, Bridgewater and Hebron
State House
Room 302
107 North Main Street Concord NH 03301
Phone: 603.271.3042
Wendy A. Piper
198 Lockehaven Rd.
PO Box 311
Enfield, 03748
David Fracht (D)
Serves Enfield
PO Box 1065
Enfield, NH 03748
Lex Berezhny (R)
Represents Grafton, Alexandria, Hebron Groton
PO Box 41
Grafton, NH 03240
Corinne Morse (D)
Serves Canaan, Dorchester and Orange
54 Roberts Road
Canaan, NH 03741
John Sellers (R)
Represents Alexandria, Bridgewater, Bristol, Canaan, Dorchester, Enfield, Grafton, Groton, Hebron, Orange
Bristol, NH 03222